Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chapter 12 - The Trials of a King

2 Samuel 11-12, 18-19
1 Chronicles 22, 29

This time let's hear your thoughts.  Part of good Bible Study is asking good questions.  Here are some good ones to consider.  Bring your responses to class on Sunday:

What is God telling me?

What questions come to mind as I read this section?  What would I like to know more about?

How did the characters in this lesson feel? What questions did they have?

How would I tell this story to my children in my own words?

Who is the author of this book of the Bible? What was his purpose?  Who was the audience?  When did he write? What were his main points?

What lesson was the author hoping his original audience would learn by recording these events?

How does this reading connect with the upper story - HIStory - the story of salvation?

What does this tell me about God?  What characteristics of God do I learn more about?

In this reading, how does God get the glory?

Is there any reference to this in the catechism?  Are there any doctrinal truths that I learn here?

What other portions of Scripture does this remind me of?

How am I confronted with my sin?  Of what fault am I convicted and condemned?

How am I humbled by this lesson?

Where does God show me his love? Where does he give his promise and show his forgiveness? HOw am I comforted and encouraged?

What does this reading lead me to give thanks for?

What does this reading direct me to do?

How does this apply to my family? Our congregation? Our soceity?

What does this portion of Scripture teach me to pray for?

Does this portion of Scripture remind me of any hymns or other songs?

Who do I know that really could benefit from hearing this?

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