Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chapter 23 - Jesus' Ministry Begins

Matthew 3-4; 11
Mark 1-3
Luke 8
John 1-4

Introduction to the Reading:
As we will read today, we get to witness people's reaction to Jesus. Many people didn't know what to think the first time they heard him. They could tell by the way he talked and the things that he did that he was definitely more than average. They knew that this was someone special, someone important. As you witness Jesus today through the pages of scripture, what impression do you have? How do you answer the question, "Who is this?"

Before You Read: Today we start by reading about one my favorite people: John the Baptist. John is quite the character: eating locusts and honey, wearing camel's hair, living out in the wilderness. Yet for all of his eccentricities, the last thing he wants is the focus on him. He isn't shouting out in the wilderness, "Hey! Hey! Look at me!" His message isn't about himself.

What a great reminder for us. People may think we are unique. They may even think we are "Jesus freaks." Our message shouldn't be, "Hey! Hey! Look at me!" It shouldn't even be, "Hey! Hey" Look at my church." Our message should be the same as that of John, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"

Stops Along the Way:
  •  Middle of page 322: What truth(s) does the Father's testimony teach us about Jesus?
  • Top of page 323: How could Jesus resist the Devil's temptations? What does this teach us about him?  Why was it necessary for our sakes that he resist the Devil's temptations?
  •  Middle of page 324: What does the title "Lamb of God" teach us about Jesus' work and purpose?
  •  Top of page 326: What do Jesus miracles reveal to us about who he is?
  •   Middle of page 327: How does Jesus himself summarize his purpose?
  •  Middle of page 329: The woman at the well realized there was something special about Jesus. Jesus' miracles tipped her off. What brought them to believe in him as the Messiah though?
  •  Middle of page 331: Jesus miracles proved that he spoke with authority and gave evidence that he was truly God. But his authority went beyond just power over physical health. What greater authority did Jesus have as the Son of God?
  •  Bottom of page 334: We will explore this more over the next couple of weeks, but what various responses did people have to Jesus? How did different people answer the question, "Who is this?"

When You're Done Reading - Thoughts to Ponder:
So who do people say Jesus is? How do they answer the question, "Who is this?" We will continue to look at this question over the next few weeks. Even many unbelievers today will call him a great philosopher. Muslims respect him as the greatest messenger of God. What do your friends and family think of Jesus?

And who do you say Jesus is? It's a question that Jesus will ask Peter next week. It's a question that I'd like you to think about personally over the next week. How would you answer the question, "Who is this?'


Beautiful Savior,
King of Creation,
Son of God and Son of Man!
Truly I'd love Thee,
Truly I'd serve Thee,
Light of my soul, my Joy, my Crown.

Beautiful Savior,
Lord of the nations,
Son of God and Son of Man!
Glory and honor,
Praise, adoration,
Now and forevermore be Thine!

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